The Laboratory of PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY & ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ASSESSMENT (PHYGEO ENVI Lab) was established by Presidential Decree 322 of 22 December 1999 (Government Gazette 307/31.12.99) and operates at the School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering (SRSGE) in the National Technical University of Athens.
Prof. Kostas Kassios was the first Director of the PHYGEO ENVI Lab from 1999-2006, then Prof. Angelos Siolas (2006-2015) and since then Prof. Maria P. Papadopoulou.
The PHYGEO ENVI Lab covers the educational needs of the School in the area of Management of Natural Environment by providing the necessary knowledge base needed at the topics such as Environmental Planning, Natural Resources Management and Protection, Environmental Impact Assessment, Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems NEXUS, Groundwater management, Water Footprint, Environmental Policy Analysis, Climate Change Adaptation, Stakeholder Engagement.
Members of PHYGEO ENVI Lab are actively participating in research national and international (H2020, LIFE, Interreg) projects.
The protection of natural environment is a common challenge we must success because we owe it to the future citizens of this planet, our students.
The PHYGEO ENVI Lab Director
Maria P. Papadopoulou
Professor NTUA