Laboratory Infrastructure
The PHYGEO ENVI Lab is located in room 203 on the second floor of VEI building at School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering (SRSGE) able to train 15 to 20 Students becoming familiar with the key variables of the natural environment such as terrain, water, soil, climate, vegetation and landscape.

For each of these variables the necessary laboratory equipment for measuring and monitoring purposes is available:
- Modern meteorological station installed in VEI building with online data transmission of rainfall, temperature, solar radiation, wind speed and direction, relative humidity and software to aggregate results and data processing.
- Quality Measuring Air Instrument (CO and CO2): AEROQUAL
- In-situ water quality measurement: MPTROLL 9500
- In-situ devices for groundwater measurements: level meters, probe, conductivity meter, ph-meter.
- Measuring Instrument for stress vegetation
- Noise Instrument: Sound Level Meter Extech 407768
- Assessment Instruments Territorial Treaties CP4, macro and micronutrients soil

The PHYGEO ENVI Lab also has 4 PC terminals and computer programs such as:
- Visual MODFLOW Flex Pro (Finite difference-Finite Volume groundwater flow and contaminant mass transport simulator) including an 1-Standalone Softkey license and Network 10-user license GIS ARCVIEW
- Sima Pro (Life Cycle Assessment) including 1-Standalone Softkey license
- ArgusONE – Princeton Transport Code (PTC) (Finite element groundwater simulator) student version
- Strater® | Geophysical mapping, modeling & analysis software