On-going Projects
Members of PHYGEO ENVI Lab participate in research programs. Indicative projects are listed:

Water, energy, food, and ecosystems (WEFE) are interconnected, comprising a coherent system (nexus) dominated by complexity and modulated by climatic and socio-economic drivers. Resource constraints, and their interconnectedness could hamper economic development, including optimal trade, market and policy solutions. Moreover, policy objectives tend to be developed with little consideration to multiple sectors, and policy implementation may change nexus characteristics, in turn affecting actor behaviour and policy formulation. NEXOGENESIS will develop and validate: (a) a coherent cross-sectoral policy-making framework at different scales addressing climate and socio-economic change, as well as stakeholder behavior and transboundary (diplomacy) issues, developed for and validated by stakeholders, policy makers, and academics; (b) a Self-Learning Nexus Assessment Engine (SLNAE) exploiting reinforcement learning, and supporting streamlining water-related policies into the WEFE nexus; (c) a WEFE Nexus Footprint, accompanying the SLNAE. NEXOGENESIS will apply its approach to four European and one case study in southern Africa. Through the case studies, strong stakeholder engagement and validation of output, NEXOGENESIS will improve policies and policy making processes to enhance cooperation and help the EU achieve targets related to the Water Framework Directive, the greener CAP, Green Deal ambitions, as well as ambitions on water diplomacy. NEXOGENESIS outcomes, both during and after the project, will have a major impact on advancing nexus understanding and governance, resulting in a more innovative and more competitive European Union regarding nexus policy-making, backed up by state-of-the-art evidence. NEXOGENESIS will continue to drive impact after the end of the funding period through dedicated outscaling and exploitation objectives to maximize future impacts and will bring project results to extended group of users via an innovative stakeholder engagement process.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Website: www.nexogenesis.eu, Grant agreement #: 101003881)

The CLIMPACT network seeks cooperation with the National Commission for Climate Change, with the Climate Change Impact Study Committee of the Bank of Greece but also with other relevant initiatives and actions. CLIMPACT aims to be a pole of valid and multifaceted expertise and an advisory body of the State and Society.
- Immediate integration, harmonization, and optimization of existing climate services and early warning systems for climate change-related natural disasters in Greece, including supportive observations from relevant national infrastructures.
- Creating a scientific core of research excellence to generate new knowledge on climate change, by supporting innovative studies (computational and experimental) to reduce uncertainties in climate models, as there is currently a core of outstanding Greek scientists involved active in climate change issues.
- Establishment of an interdisciplinary consortium, which will act as the main advisory body for the State and the citizens on issues of climate change and its related effects. Through scientific excellence and innovative computer and measurement systems, the proposed flagship initiative aims to consolidate this consortium internationally as a scientific interlocutor equal to those of other countries. The initiative is anticipated to influence decision-making internationally both to climate change mitigation and to research-related topics on climate change.
The CLIMPACT network consisting of eleven emblematic, national, scientific bodies and more specifically the Academy of Athens, the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Hellenic Center for Marine Research, the National Center for Natural Sciences, the Natural Sciences Polytechnic, the University of Crete, the Technical University of Crete, the ATHENS Research Center and the National Center for Social Research, coordinated by the National Observatory of Athens, seek cooperation with the National Commission for Climate Change, with the Impact Study Committee of Greece but also with other relevant initiatives and actions in order to be a pole of valid and multifaceted expertise and an advisory body of the State and the Society.
(Website: https://climpact.gr/main)

An information system for managing and visualizing data and information will be designed, implemented and evaluated, which will include a digital cartographic imaging mechanism. The proposed system will interconnect geospatial data, correlate public health data (disease patterns) with demographic, geospatial, environmental and climatic data and provide information on measurements, trends and analysis products for monitoring SARS-CoV-2, hepatitis, influenza viruses drugs and drugs. Its operation will upgrade the infrastructure of the Ministry of Health in matters of public health policy (eg pandemics, pharmaceutical policy, etc.) for the benefit of society as a whole.
Website: https://2014-2020.pepattikis.gr